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Into Guatemala 1989
A Personal Journey
in Text and Pictures
by Joseph L. Pe

*** Guatemala City *** Sacapulas *** Santa Cruz del Quiché *** El Quiché *** Chichicastenango *** Pascual Abaj *** Lake Atitlán *** San Andres Semetabaj *** San Antonio Palopó *** Sololá *** Panajachel *** Quetzaltenango *** Almolonga *** Santa María volcano *** Tikal *** Uaxactún *** Seibal *** Sayaxché *** Flores *** El Petén *** Actun Kan *** Antigua ***

It was not a good time to visit. In the crossfire of a civil war, the Maya, still the majority of the population, faced the sure destruction of their culture.

We had spent most of our money in just getting there. Two of us barely spoke Spanish, and one thought that Paris was a better idea. Even those of us from Guatemala had never been far from the capital.

Yet our trip took off... into a beautiful and intriguing country with a warm, enduring people. From Guatemalans--and a few misadventures--we learned in many ways the value of patience and fortitude.

Relive with us our journey through the land of the quetzal and the jaguar.

The Travellers

Madjid Amir
Alvaro Molina
Roberto Molina
Joseph Pe

Begin the journey.

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Site Guide

Sacapulas, El Quiché

(Days 1 - 3)
An invitation and a challenge. Challenge accepted. "Rocky Mountain" highway. Unscheduled stops. Santa Cruz del Quiché. Some Guatemalan history. The remote village of Sacapulas. Chixoy river. The Parish Center. Brave Teresa. An ex-sergeant. The Marketplace. Chicken hunt. Drive through El Quiché. Madjid battles the killer ants. Welcome to Cunen. Curious houses. Ruins of a church.

Chichicastenango, Pascual Abaj

(Days 4 - 5)
Church of Santo Tomas. The cult of Pascual Abaj. Search for the idol. A family worships. The Maya world view. Chichicastenango market. Local scenery.

Lake Atitlán, San Andres Semetabaj, San Antonio Palopó, Sololá, Panajachel

(Days 6 - 7)
Mauricio joins us. Madjid's steak dream. Our cottage at San Andres Semetabaj. Don Otto, landlord, archaeologist. Stranded rabbit. Hike to Lake Atitlán. The village well. Fifty-cent conquistador. Invitation to an indigena house at San Antonio Palopó. Perky Paulina. Sololá. Panajachel. Terrazas del Lago. Local scenery.

Quetzaltenango, Santa María Volcano

(Days 7 - 8)
View of Almolonga. Quetzaltenango. Santa María Volcano. Bittersweet night at the hotel. Ordeal of Santa María. Maya pilgrims. The summit.

Guatemala City I

(Days 9 - 10)
The Zócalo. Cosmopolitan center. A city of contrasts. A pleasant afternoon snack. All morning at the bank. National Museum. Museo Ixchel. Popol Vuh. Maya music with brief sample. Parting dinner with Oscar's family.

Tikal I

(Days 11 - 12)
Petén rainforest. Nature's symphony. The grand plaza. Temples of Tikal. A memorable climb. Temple I and Tecún Umán. North Acropolis. Ruined palaces. Excavated stucco mask. Jade mosaic vase. Some rulers of Tikal.


(Day 13)
Ride through a jungle road. The frontier town. Chat with a storekeeper. The ruins of Uaxactún. An "observatory".

Tikal II

(Day 14)
A grand outdoor dinner. The Guatemalan moth. Our palapa hut. Temple of the Grooved Walls. Maler's visit. Temple of the Inscriptions. Stelae. A conversation among the ruins. Tikal at twilight.

Seibal, Sayaxché

(Day 15)
Hard ride to Seibal. The town of Sayaxché. Ruins of Seibal. A fearsome jungle. Remarkable stelae. Some history. Mysterious monkey god. Maya glyphs. Temple of the Jaguar.

Flores, Lake Petén Itzá, Actun Kan

(Day 16)
Flores. Its unique location. Lake Petén Itzá. Conquest of the Itzá. Petencito. Flores houses. Rainforest creatures gatecrash. The Actun Kan cave. Stone serpent head. The subterranean earth monster. Aerial view of the Guatemalan highlands.

Guatemala City II

(Days 17 - 19)
A strange hotel. Visit to a club nocturno. A charming Salvadoreña. A math seminar. The audience. Janine's mini-survey. Roberto's warning. Awesome steak dinner. Lucio's tour. The great disparity. Sick again.


(Day 20)
The old capital of Guatemala. Ruined churches. Corpus Christi. Street celebrations. Parade of saints. A pretty fountain in Antigua Park.

Guatemala City III, Departure

(Day 21)
A military checkpoint. Narrow escape. Minerva Park. Guatemala in bas-relief. Farewell from an old woman.

Picture Indices

Sacapulas and Environs|| Chichicastenango, Pascual Abaj|| Lake Atitlán and Environs|| Near Quetzaltenango, Santa María Volcano|| Guatemala City|| Tikal|| Uaxactún|| Seibal|| Flores and Environs|| Antigua

1989 Guatemala visa

This site is dedicated
to our departed parents
Olga Cruz de Molina (1929-1999)
Justice Cecilio L. Pe (1930-1990).

Number of Visits:

Into Guatemala 1989. © 1999 Joseph L. Pe.

Site created on 14 June 1999. Last updated on 12 March 2004.